Thoughts and Encouragements for Wounded Helpers Joined to a Healing God
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My Psycho-Pastoral Kitchen
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Articles of Relevance to Christian Counseling

This website has been created as a platform for the exchange of information on christian counseling.
A guiding principle is that Jesus came into our &lsquovalley’ in order to re-unite us with Himself and with the heavenly Father. Another is that Jesus did, what He saw the heavenly Father do (John 15:19-20). Living from Him, I want to align myself with what I - subjectively - see God the Father do; both in my own life and in the life of those with whom I am in contact.
From that, I have come to write the following series of tentative articles (yes, some do overlap):

The articles are presented in the following categories (some articles in more than one category):

  Relationship with God, our goal in life
  Connectedness, bonding and joy
  Development and attachment/bonding
  Recovery and growth
  Pastoral care / counseling (general)

Relationship with God, our goal in life

 o What is our Ultimate Life Goal - on the role of intimate connectedness with God as our ultimate goal and life fulfilment as well as the ultimate source for healthy living;
 o Living as Children of the King - righteousness, peace and joy: keys to pastoral care and healthy living from Romans 14:17;
 o The great love of God - Learning to experience His love and to live as children of a loving heavenly Father is often not an 'easy job'!;
 o Three Stories, Central to the Christian Life - a short article about three essential stories the Bible tells us in various forms;
 o The magnificent and most lovely Name of the God Who was there, Who is there and Who will be there (PDF document, to be read with Adobe Reader) – God’s holy Name in the Old Testament reveals so much about Who He is and about the way He wants to be with us... (updated: 2012-02-07 this article has been added to the Hallelu-YaH site with Bible exposés on the glorious Name of God and other First Testament studies; please update your favorites)
 o True Worship - ever experienced the awe and wonder of standing before the Almighty?
 o Mary’s Amazing Story (PDF document, to be read with Adobe Reader) - what Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, experienced in her encounters with Jesus;
 o Happy are those, who...; ( 2015-02-21)
 o The heart of the Father for the vulnerable – from performance-based to healthy relating and life-giving communities; ( 2015-07-22)

Connectedness, bonding and joy

 o Living as Children of the King - righteousness, peace and joy: keys to pastoral care and healthy living from Romans 14:17;
 o The Aaronic Priestly Blessing: God’s Shining and Proud Face - how science and the Bible agree on what we need; ( 2015-02-21)
 o Abundance of Life and Joy - on the way out from the valley of pain and depression;

Development and attachment/bonding

 o Family Life and Personality Development - some notes on how we were meant to grow up and develop;
 o Connectedness and Attachment - some observations (a.o. by development psychologists) - Part 1. and Part 2.;
 o Attachment: Key to Healthy Living through Adequate Affect Regulation - how all kinds of psychopathology can be traced back to a lack of affect regulation skills that arise from insecure or broken attachment;
 o A Developmental Model of Girls and Women (PDF document, to be read with Adobe Reader) - by Donna Emmanuel (with thanks to the copyright owner: Phillips Graduate Institute);

Recovery and growth

 o Life Renewal - by a renewal of our mind, or...?
 o Wounded Healers - only through acknowledging our own weaknesses and welcoming God's work in our own lives, can we be devoted to serve God and others in humility;
 o The Centrality of the Cross - at the Cross, Jesus carried the penalty of all our rebellion against God, all iniquity, etc. As such, it is the basis for God to do justice and yet be grace-full to us. This essay explores what that means for people who have suffered severe abuse and for the counseling practice;
 o Précis of Joseph Pieper’s book: On Hope - by John W. Fawcett of Pastoral Care Ministries
 o Some Notions on Shame... - that awfully nagging feeling; with some significant references;
 o ... and Some Notions on Human Dignity - quite the opposite;
 o The heart of the Father for the vulnerable – from performance-based to healthy relating and life-giving communities; ( 2015-07-22)
 o Nourishing yourself – emotionally as well – are emotions only nasty side-effects of our humanity or can they be nourished and renewed as well ? ( 2015-08-25)

Pastoral care / counseling (general)

 o Seven Goals of God – A draft discussion paper on the central goals and purposes of Christian counseling .pdf document;
 o Ten Human Needs – Another draft discussion paper on the central goals and purposes of Christian counseling .pdf document;
 o Pluriformous and multi-colored christian counseling – a variety of approaches and views .pdf document;
 o The Centrality of the Cross – at the Cross, Jesus carried the penalty of all our rebellion against God, all iniquity, etc. As such, it is the basis for God to do justice and yet be grace-full to us. This essay explores what that means for people who have suffered severe abuse and for the counseling practice;
 o Inner Parent, Adult and Inner Child: A brief review of Transactional Analysis in a Biblical Pastoral context;
 o Difficult emotions, social-psychological 'Games' and the Karpman Drama Triangle;
 o Layers and the role of attachment in mental and social-emotional processing
– Part I: A unifying model
.pdf document
– Part II: Recovery from painful experiences .pdf document
– Part III: Attachment pain and addictions .pdf document
– Part IV: The quest for a consistent life story .pdf document;
 o I thought... – a poem .pdf document;
 o Listening to Multithreaded Life Stories - applying insights from active listening and narrative therapy to help people put away old defence mechanisms, such as trying to be “in control” through keeping distance, and build up confidence and connectedness instead;
 o A Narrative Context for Conversations with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse .pdf document, by Frank Baird, (from: Progress – Family Systems Research and Therapy, Volume 5, 1996, pp.51-71; with thanks to the copyright owner: Phillips Graduate Institute, Encino CA); (see also: Z. Seda Sahin & Melissa McVicker, ‘The Use of Optimism in Narrative Therapy with Sexual Abuse Survivors’, Jl of European Psychology Students, Vol. 1, 2009);
 o Modernism and the Friends of Job – on modernism, postmodernism and the illusion of human power; ( 2015-08-17)

Blessing and affirmation

 o Blessing - a Brief Introductory Bible Study on an Often Undervalued Christian Mandate;
 o The Aaronic Priestly Blessing: God’s Shining and Proud Face - how science and the Bible agree on what we need; ( 2015-02-21)
 o Helping by Blessing - working together with God on healing and restoration;
see also The memory problem and Walking in the Shadows, the first two chapters of Téo van der Weele's book From Shame to Peace - both at the site of Importantia, the publisher;
 o Blessing nonverbally - a powerful language!;
 o Happy are those, who...; ( 2015-02-21)

Suggestions welcome!

I encourage you wholeheartedly to send me any of your ideas, comments, experiences or other input that might be of interest to Christian counselors and pastoral workers. I may then decide to publish these with your consent, or to amend the material that is already here according to your comments.

More information

More information is available from the author of this site, André H. Roosma, reachable via e-mail:

Thanks for your interest!

© André H. Roosma rose, Accede!, Zoetermeer / Soest NL, 2002-09-05 / 2019-07-17; All rights reserved.