Thoughts and Encouragements for Wounded Helpers Joined to a Healing God
About Accede!
My Psycho-Pastoral Kitchen
(There is also my Dutch website:

The © copyright of all materials here

All material on this website is © copyright André H. Roosma , Accede!, Zoetermeer, Netherlands; all rights reserved (unless otherwise specified).

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The above includes that you can download and print one (1) copy for personal use, but not for others.
I do not mind if someone incidentially (i.e. once a year or so) makes a printout for a friend or relative who has no Internet-access (provided that it is printed in full, including the copyright-line and all). Forwarding a link is more easy, and more appropriate for those friends and relatives that also have Internet-access.

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Usage for commercial or church goals (e.g. providing a printout or a long citation as a paid counselor to a counselee, using a piece of text or a figure or scheme in a course or sermon) is permitted only after written permission. In general, a small fee will be due in such a case.
When someone earns money using materials that are provided here, would the author and/or translator not be allowed to share in the profits?


Short citations (typically not more than 50 words and not more than 1/7th of the cited document and not more than 1/7th of the citing document), e.g. in references to or discussions of the articles, are alowed, provided they include a proper reference to the source (in Internet-materials: a working hyperlink). A notification (e.g. per e-mail) is appreciated!

More information

More information is available from the editor of this site, André H. Roosma, reachable via e-mail:

Thanks for your interest!

© André H. Roosma AHR rose, Accede!, Zoetermeer/Soest NL, 2008-10-25 / 2019-12-28; All rights reserved.